miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

About entrepreneurship - Warming up...

This is my first post about Entrepreneurship and I would like to start by presenting some basic ideas on this concept.
What does it take to be an entrepreneur? Is everybody able to be one?
These are some of the questions that we hear very frequently when we talk about the subject. Let’s find out a little more about them.
Entrepreneurship is a human condition. As a result, human beings are constantly looking for ways to improve their ‘status quo’; they are always willing to create a better space to live, a better future for their children. However success is not always achieved and sometimes problems are encountered. Nevertheless the spirit mobilizing their course of action is clearly related with entrepreneurship.
I believe that we all have an entrepreneur inside each of us. Depending on our education, our personal situation, the references in our lives, we may exteriorize the spirit or keep it secretly hidden. In this case it takes a specific and relevant event in our lives to awaken this spirit.
We are used to success stories associated with big companies that achieved great notoriety and publicity in the market place. Everyone would see Bill Gates at Microsoft, Steve Jobs at Apple or Jack Welch at GE as great entrepreneurs. Without doubt they are great examples. Yet, I am more interested in talking about the standard entrepreneurs. Those who are fighting hard to introduce their first product into the market, those who are struggling to raise some money to scale their portfolio of services or to launch their companies to the next level. These entrepreneurs may not become the next Steve Jobs but could have a great impact on his surroundings and a major influence on their own destiny.
There are many of these out there. During my next posts we are going to learn more about them. We are going to analyze their behavior patterns. We are going to find out some of the common mistakes that led to failure and some of the key factors which increased their success rate.
More coming next week…

1 comentario:

  1. I totally agree that human beings never rest and are always looking to improve their personal situations, and that this "spirit" as you say, fuels innovation.
