domingo, 15 de junio de 2014


During the last 20 weeks we have covered three main sections in my blog: a selection of outstanding entrepreneurs, the top common skills found in successful entrepreneurs and the top common mistakes that entrepreneurs usually make in their new ventures.
It has been a great and interesting exercise. I am happy to see how the number or readers following my posts has been increasing steadily. I have received positive feedback and several ideas for improving future posts. In particular a comment made by one of my loyal followers points out the fact that it is great to read about all those concepts but he needs something more concrete, something practical that he can actually apply to particular situations. I thought that it was a great feedback and I plan to take it into account as probably many others would also appreciate this practical approach.
I have decided to take some time off to prepare and elaborate a set of study cases specifically oriented towards providing good practical training for startups. I am not sure at this point which is going to be the best format to implement this idea but I will figure it out during the next few weeks. I will probably "build a prototype" and test it before we go into “production”.
Based on this idea I will share with you my posts after the summer break. Thanks for your support during the last four months. I will be back early next September.
Have a great summer and all the best with your new ventures.

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