domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Entrepreneurs top common skills (2) – Excellence in Sales

There are many reasons why people choose a sales career. For some of them, a sales job is the best option to use their social and business skills. Others decide to work in sales because it allows them to travel on a regular basis and, at least in the short term, it is fun and interesting. A sales job is usually well paid, which means that valid candidates who are not sure if it is the career for them end up choosing this option.
For entrepreneurs, deciding if they want to be in the sales business or not is not an option. It is a must. “Selling” is part of every entrepreneur’s DNA. Before even thinking about a new product or service they are thinking about how to sell it. They will start creating a sales pitch before they know exactly what they will finally deliver. It will be the feedback that they receive from potential customers or friends what will help them to refine their first ideas.
Successful entrepreneurs excel in sales. They don’t need a very sophisticated training. They eventually don’t have an elaborated Marketing Plan for their business. But they just cannot stop selling! Their passion, creativity, self-confidence and persistence will boost them to sell whatever they are working on.
Great entrepreneurs are those who are able to give customers what they want. In some cases they are even able to let the customers know what they want. They are constantly following up their ideas and they build strong and trustful relationships with them. This allows them to cement long lasting relationships.
In some cases I have seen entrepreneurs use a motto that they use as a “mantra” when talking to customers. Some examples are:
“Let’s talk about building our business together”
“Our goal is to help make your project a success”
I have even seen some of them using a motto as a signature of their emails (I love this one):
“Success is helping others to succeed”
Next week team building abilities…

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