domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Entrepreneurs top common skills – Introduction

Now that we have seen some of the greatest examples of entrepreneurs in modern times I am going to introduce the next cycle of my blog, which consists of five posts describing those skills that are commonly present in successful entrepreneurs.
Each entrepreneur is truly unique. Each one has his own particular set of skills and attributes. Nevertheless, there are some skills that always play a major role in the entrepreneurial success. This is my “top five” selection:
1. Passionate Leadership
Entrepreneurship is about passion: Passion for your vision; passion for your goals; passion for driving your business to the next level. Leading a project with passion definitely makes a difference.
2. Excellence in Sales
All successful entrepreneurs excel in selling. They are always selling. Every single occasion is adequate for it. They are always either selling their ideas, products or services to customers, investors or employees. Excellence in selling may be the most critical skill in entrepreneurship.
3. Team building
As soon as the new venture takes off, the entrepreneur needs to find the right people to manage the business. Finding, hiring and getting the loyalty of the best professionals is not an easy task. It takes an enormous effort and dedication but is always worth it. Successful entrepreneurs will systematically create strong teams around them.
4. Creativity and Adaptability
Perhaps one of the most unique characteristics that entrepreneurs possess is the ability to recognize opportunities that others do not. They will perceive a problem that exists and they will create a solution.
Adapting to different circumstances is often necessary to be able to operate, especially as a new startup. This flexibility also includes the ability to incorporate feedback effectively and to learn from setbacks.
5. Persistence and Resilience
Every startup will inevitably have ups and downs. Nothing usually works as expected first time round. In fact, a lot of things will not work out at all. Entrepreneurs cannot get discouraged if an idea fails. It’s just the nature of the game. They just get up and keep trying again and again. This skill enables the entrepreneur to keep going when the outlook is bleak.
In the next five posts we will dig deeper into each of these skills and we will learn more using some good examples.
Keep up with the reading…

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